Phet And Kai, Scene #01
Sheila was on knees underneath the dining room table at Rocky’s house . She was giving her son/ master blowjob head while Rocky & Cindy were talking about the holiday they were taking next week . The old bitch had no gag reflex , petite & she was at her son’s house often because he anal enjoyed her oral skills . Sheila had the enormous prick down to the base. Sapphire would’ve been happier for Pleasure Slave 3613-A for earning a name. I hungered for my climax. I was sure I put that up. I stand in front of her as she sits and she wastes no time, fully engulfing my entire length, hearing her gag a little as pushes further down.
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Description: Phet And Kai, Scene #01
“I thought it would be less messy, easier to petite clean” She added. That she wouldn’t think that it was just a father being sweet to his daughter. She trotted out of the bedroom. blowjob There is anal one condition though.”
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From Tube: ashemaletube, Watch on tube:
Video Format: video/mp4
Video Duration: 06:47
Rating: 6
Tags: petite, anal, blowjob, deepthroat, big dick, shemale, redhead